Tuesday, January 21, 2020

5 foolproof methods for cleaning carpets

Who doesn't love a good carpet? In addition to being an excellent accessory for furnishing without being too invasive, in winter it also helps to save a little on heating , making the rooms warm and welcoming. The only problem with carpets is, as you could imagine, their cleaning and maintenance: hair, dust and hair can accumulate in the carpet's texture, triggering allergies and favoring the formation of germs and bacteria.

If you have rooms with carpeting, this problem becomes even more "serious", being even larger surfaces covered with a receptacle of dust and bacteria: it is not necessary, however, to resort to professional cleaning at all costs. With our advice, in fact, you can keep the carpet clean and tidy, removing even the most stubborn stains, using ingredients you have at home .

Before you start: 5 things to know

Never rub. It is important to act in time (ie as soon as possible) on the stain to remove it effectively, but rubbing the stain trying to "erase" it will make the situation worse, making the stain penetrate even deeper.

Dab is the most appropriate choice. Pour some lukewarm water over the stain and dab with a clean cloth or rag. Repeat the operation from the outside to the inside and change the cloth regularly, once it is dirty.

The remedy you didn't think about: shampoo! If dabbing with water is not enough, you need to resort to "strong" ways ... try shampooing! Shampoo or one of those mousses for carpet cleaning are certainly cheaper than a real professional service, but they can help to obtain good results.

Plan ahead. Some cleaners need to "rest" a few hours to act properly, so make sure you have enough time to leave the cleansing product in action. Also, inform your roommates and other family members about the cleanliness in action, so they know they will have to avoid the room with the carpet or that they will not be able to walk on the carpet in question.

Test the product. Always check that the detergent you are using is not too aggressive: use a small part of it on a "hidden" area, for example in a corner or on the part of the carpet that is then covered by the sofa or table. Make sure that the product does not alter the colors or the fabric.

Clean the carpet with natural ingredients

Many of the products that you have at home are also cleaning substances that can help you clean . We have already seen it with the oven , the fridge , the silver ... obviously many of these substances are also very good for cleaning carpets. You are ready? Here is our list:

1. Salt

Salt is the ideal solution for red wine stains : sprinkle the stain with salt and leave to act. When the salt has also turned red, start dabbing with a cloth (also soaked with water and salt) and repeat the procedure, until the stain disappears. If the red wine stain is already dry, you can wash it off ... with white wine ! Mix some with water and use the mixture to wash away the red spot.

2. Baking soda

Baking soda is a versatile and incredible natural solution to use against different types of dirt and stains (it is also ideal for neutralizing bad smells, in the bathroom or in the trash bin ). To use it on stained carpets, sprinkle the stain with baking soda and then pour a little lukewarm water over it (do not overdo it, it could be counterproductive) and start dabbing gently. Repeat the operation changing the cloth you use to dab, until the stain has completely disappeared.

3. Lemon

Lemon juice is also an excellent agent for removing stains and disinfecting, sometimes a few drops are enough, or adding the peel to your natural detergents, you will intensify its effectiveness. Its action is very similar to the bleach effect, for this reason you can only use it on white or light surfaces.

4. Shaving foam

Believe it or not, shaving foam can be an excellent and economical alternative to mousses and specific detergents for Carpet Cleaning in Coventry. The important thing is to check that it is a type of colorless foam without additives. To treat the stain, sprinkle it with shaving foam and leave for about 20 minutes, then clean what remains with a sponge, and then dab gently with a damp cloth.

5. Steam cleaning

While natural ingredients and do-it-yourself remedies are ideal for removing persistent stains, investing in a good steam cleaner can definitely be a good idea if you are fond of carpets or have carpeting in different rooms.

While homemade remedies are ideal for single points and particular areas, a steam cleaner is a wise investment because it gives you the opportunity to clean the carpet in a "generic" way, as often as you want. Make sure to clean the carpet at least every six months, but this may not be enough if you have pets or a large family (ie: messy).

Here is our practical and useful carpet cleaning tips. And what do you do to clean the carpets? Let us know in the comments section below!

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