Sunday, November 22, 2020

How long does a tankless water heater last? #LifespanGuide


Endless hot water and up to 30% reduction in monthly energy cost are the two biggest advantages tankless water heaters have over storage tank units.

At the same time, tankless water heaters have a higher upfront cost (often up to $ 1,000 USD and up - see our cost guide here for more information ). This is because the systems themselves are more expensive, and so is their installation .

In other words: It takes years for the investment to pay off. Therefore, it is very important that a tankless water heater last for a long time.

But how long does a tankless water heater last?


Do tankless hot water heaters last longer than tank-based heaters?

Why do tankless water heaters have a longer service life?

Lifespan: How long do tankless water heaters last?

Electric or gas, the life expectancy of a tankless water heater is between 15 and more than 20 years, as long as the operation and maintenance guidelines are followed. Many of the parts are also easily replaceable if necessary.

Another important factor is the quality of the water, which in this case is determined mainly by hardness - think of the scale that sticks to the heating elements - and the sediment content.

Pro Tip: Delineate Your Tankless Water Heater About Once A Year

Evicting your tankless water heater annually helps ensure that there is no scale buildup around the heating elements, which would not only increase your energy bills, but could also cause irreparable damage, shortening the life of the system.

Do tankless hot water heaters last longer than tank-based heaters?

Traditional tank-based heaters have a useful life of 12 years or so. If you do the math, a tankless water heater lasts almost twice as long on average.

Why do tankless water heaters have a longer life expectancy?

The biggest problem with tank water heaters is corrosion due to the moisture that they are exposed to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Some parts, like the heating elements, can be replaced, but once the tank itself has failed, it is finished and you have to buy a completely new system.

And again, the mineral content and overall quality of the water do their part, as they can influence the rate of corrosion.

Read here for - general electric mwf refrigerator water filter

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Be careful when buying gold coins


If you've ever been to a pawn shop or just wondered how people estimate the value of a gold coin, this article will help you understand the different aspects of how gold coins are valued.

 Two main reasons that make a gold coin valuable are scarcity and grade.

 When buying a gold coin, a person will use all of these guidelines to decide how much it is worth. For example, spot gold (which is molten gold) sells for less than actual gold coins and gold bars are usually a good value if gold is purchased strictly for investment purposes because they are sold only above price. Minimum.

 By reading these notes on each of these factors, you can get the information you need to make a qualified and educated quote when buying gold and avoid overpaying.

 Scarcity: gold dealers prefer to use the term "rare" But the meaning is the same. & quot; Rare & quot; refers to the limited quantity of minted or surviving coins. These rare coins are always the best buy for investors. Coins are constantly certified and authenticated by PCGS and NGC, the entities that keep track of the general market value and population of coins.

 The rarer a coin, the higher its value, which will lead to a better investment. Coins that are more popular like Maple Leafs, Gold Krugerrands, and American Eagles do not appreciate in value over time because so many are created each year.

 Grade - A coin & # 39; s & quot; degree & quot; refers to the physical attractiveness of the same, which means how torn it looks. Often times, investors will look for coins that have never circulated, or uncirculated coins. These are often near perfect in terms of visible wear.

 Even a small notch can devalue a near-perfect coin, so be sure to pay extra attention to its rating or have it rated by a professional.

 There are some guidelines to use when buying gold coins. Make sure of weight and purity and internationally recognized with the appropriate trademark. You can also get a certificate from the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA).

 There are many websites to learn more about how to buy gold coins. Seek the help and experience of other investors before taking the plunge. As always, there are people who are not sincere. One of the big problems is how to get a good price for your coins when you are ready to sell them. This is where many get plucked. Online sell gold investment communities will alert you to dealers who are not fair in their dealings with clients.


Sunday, June 28, 2020

Car safety: a fundamental aspect for your travels

Organizing a holiday with your car is an excellent choice for those looking for experiences that are as independent and independent as possible.
Traveling with your own car in fact grants maximum freedom in the choice of travel times and in the possibility of moving comfortably where, when and how much you want, in total autonomy.

By choosing to undertake a trip of this type, therefore, you will have the opportunity to live a little big adventure. Maybe in the company of your family or close friends. Trust me, it will also prove a special occasion to be even more together and to create new nice and special memories during the journey.

Whatever the destination and the company you choose, it is in any case of fundamental importance to face your trip in total safety. It is therefore necessary to check in advance the reliability and efficiency of your car in order not to incur unpleasant inconveniences.
The routine checks before departure is in fact essential to ensure a carefree holiday and car seat, no other thoughts. If not to have fun enjoying the trip in total carefree.

The five basic checks before traveling:

Checking the brakes

Taking on a long journey, perhaps an itinerant one will test your car's brakes. It is therefore very important to check for any anomalies while pressing the brake pedal, making sure that the car stops quickly and correctly. In case of need of repairs or replacement of pads or other car components.

Checking tires and spare wheel

For road holding and budget car rental in Jamaica, checking the tires and their correct pressure is essential. Then check the size of your tread, first of all that exceeds the minimum required by law and then, preferably, that corresponds to the optimal one for your vehicle. Do not forget also about the spare wheel and to have a complete kit for changing the wheel.

Checking the engine oil level

To ensure safety during your driving holiday, do not forget to check the engine oil level. It is essential not to run into mechanical problems that would ruin your trip. Once you are sure that the level is at the correct regime, be sure to bring a spare oil pack with you.

Check the coolant and windscreen washer

The coolant is another important aspect to be checked, keeping it under control, and where it is necessary and refilled. In fact, it ensures that the engine does not overheat.
Another good idea is to check the right level of the washer fluid and the condition of the wiper blades. If necessary, replace them if they are not performing.

Control of car lights
A safe journey cannot be separated from the control of the front and rear position lights, high beam, low beam and brake lights, or the brake lights and the four arrows. Everything must work perfectly, so take all the time necessary to carry out this check.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Anchor text, what importance do they have for SEO?

The anchor texts are crucial in SEO offsite. In themselves, they are tools that generally allow you to deepen a text, an article, and so on: at least, this should be the case.
In practice, then it is often the result of suspicious link exchanges, even with little or no relevance to the words or context where they are linked. These techniques are generally used to manipulate the Google SERP and to try to position themselves, but now Google has noticed the dirty game: in fact, the controls are much more thorough to avoid being manipulated.
So if the number of contents to and from a certain site is certainly important in defining its authority on the web and therefore its ranking, and still is, to avoid penalties it is good to learn how to use anchor text in a 'clean' way and hyperlinks.

Use anchor text for SEO in a reasoned way

But first, a short definition: anchors, known in jargon as anchor text, are descriptive texts that accompany the definition with a link.

A practical example: if you try to optimize a site with the keyword “New York SEO", you will try to link to the anchor text in question other pages deemed reliable that deal with that same topic or, better, that deepen it. This technique is excellent for site optimization but if you overdo it, you run the risk of being penalized because it can consist of incorrect SEO behaviors, to position yourself in an unworthy way.

Here, therefore, that link building must be done in a reasoned and natural way (in this regard, I highly recommend you read this article ), first preparing an action plan and only after opting for the various anchor text to which to connect the link to the desired page. .

Counting then that the purpose of the anchor text is to allow the user to understand what type of content he / she will access by clicking on it, it would be better to avoid completely random anchor text (how to connect an article on wellness to the anchor text “New York SEO" during pregnancy, for example). The anchor text, in essence, must be used in a reasoned way to prevent Google from classifying you as a spammer and consequently you incur some penalties, from which to go back is really very difficult, and that would lead to wasting a lot of time and a lot of work.

How to choose anchor text

The anchor text in SEO are therefore important tools to allow you to set a correct link building strategy that can lead to a better optimization of the website. However, we must try to avoid penalties, which come as soon as the anchor text was not at all natural.

The links must be natural, or rather; Google must believe that they really are, in order not to be penalized.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Be 'first on Google' on a keyword

To be first on a keyword, don't focus on a keyword. For your user, set up a path, an experience, a journey.

Do you want to be first on Google on a specific keyword? Then change your point of view and DON'T FOCUS on just that keyword.

Google is rapidly changing its ranking algorithms. He transformed his analysis from purely syntactic to semantic analysis. That is, it is concerned with understanding the meaning and intention behind a research you have asked for. In English this already works very well. Research in the English language is also rapidly changing the results.

This means that you will have to worry less and less about optimizing your text on a single keyword.
Instead, think of your page as an overall theme with unique, fresh, interesting topics. Make sure there are the premises, the progress, and the subsequent insights.

To be first on a keyword, don't focus on a keyword. For your user, set up a path, an experience, a journey. This is the key to the evolution of SEO in the coming years.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

How to choose the ideal site and where to print digital photos: the guide

Most Smartphone’s allow you to take pictures of every moment of life , without the need to have a special camera with you. This over the years has given rise, for anyone, to huge photographic catalogs, which depict the dishes ordered for dinner yesterday, as well as the baptism of the first child. All these photographs can also be printed at home, but it is necessary to have a printer of excellent quality, expensive photo paper, inks of a certain type available. To avoid having to buy all this, you can have your photos printed online.

Where to print your photos

At one time it was not difficult to answer this question, since the shops that dealt with developing and printing the old rolls were widespread in all cities. With the widespread diffusion of digital photography, this reality has rapidly changed: today there are not many shops that offer quality digital prints and they often turn mainly to professionals. For many, finding where to print digital photos in their city is not easy, especially if we consider the desire to obtain products of a certain quality. Fortunately, some companies offer the printing of digital photos directly online, at low cost and with various interesting choice opportunities.

How much it costs to print a photo

Those who consider looking for the digital printing of their photos as a waste on the net are perhaps not aware of what it means to obtain high-quality printing today. Sure, inkjet printers have affordable prices, but not all products offer quality prints. Or rather, as regards the printing of documents on sheets of plain paper, most of the printers that we find in shopping centers are more than valid. Different is the situation in which you want to get a high definition photo from the shots captured during a party or during the holidays. We are talking about having printers of a certain caliber available, such as laser printers. In addition, consumables are also expensive, which makes every single copy an important economic commitment.

What kind of photos

Websites that allow you to print photos directly online then they offer products of various kinds. It starts from the photographs in the classic 7x10 format, to get up to large images, up to a maximum of 20x30 cm. If desired, each individual image, or even a selection of them, can be prepared in various sizes, depending on the intended use. Practical online programs allow you to create a real photo album, also inserting writings on the images or changing some features. At the end of the project it is possible to upload the chosen images to the site, to have them printed in the desired number and format. If desired, all the images chosen can be printed in vintage style, as if they were snapshots; or you can decide to request the printing of a single image. In principle there are no restrictions whatsoever .

How to do it

As we said, just find a site that offers this type of opportunity and directly upload the images to be digital printing services. Once the size, type of card, style of printing has been decided, the request is sent, paying the cost with a debit or credit card, or even with other digital payment methods. The images will be sent as soon as possible directly to the customer's home, who will only have to wait for them.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Covid-19: behavioral vademecum addressed to healthcare personnel for the management of patient communications

The recent health emergency is severely testing health workers. What guidelines to follow to manage communications?

A behavioral vademecum addressed to Healthcare Continuity (CA) and Special Care Continuity Units (USCA), for the management of communications with patients and their families, in the context of the COVID-19 emergency.

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is putting a strain on not only hospital staff but also on the territory, due to both the increase in flows of calls and requests for intervention, and the related psycho-social aspects: isolation, anxiety, fear , panic, mourning .
The purpose of this dossier is to provide healthcare personnel of the Continuity of Care and of the Special Units of Continuity of Care for indications to improve the management of communication and relational aspects, which are particularly crucial in this historical phase of the National Health System.

The contexts considered are typical of the CA activity: telephone evaluation, home visit and outpatient visit. The behaviors indicated are aimed at improving the interaction of the healthcare professional with the patient and family members.

The expected benefits for the patient and family members are: improved understanding of the indications and information received; reduction of anxiety and other dysfunctional psychological aspects; improvement of functional behavior for correct disease management. The resulting benefits for the healthcare professional are: improved efficacy in the management of clinical problems; increase in self-confidence; reduction of psycho-physical stress related work.

COVID-19: what can happen to patients with severe symptoms?

How to provide assistance to patients with psychotic personality organization in a security context for healthcare professionals and patients themselves?

People with psychotic personality organization have a tangentially disconnected, unreal and detached way of thinking and live in a world in which they often try to reduce relations with each other as much as possible. What effect will the isolation condition for Covid-19 have had on these patients?

In this article there is the intention to pay attention to a particular slice of patients who have a specific psychopathological picture: we refer to people with psychotic organization of the personality and who, therefore, at least once have presented a profound alteration of the personality and a detachment from reality. Their way of thinking tends to be disconnected, unreal and detached: these people live in a "own" world, built to measure for themselves, in which they often try to reduce relations with the Other as much as possible.

Read also: Post free Article Online

It is therefore possible, for some, to deduce that a situation such as that which the health requirement forces us to live, that is, of almost total isolation, can only partially invalidate these people; however, even if the quarantine imposed by the Government to limit the contagion from COVID-19 reduces social relations, the current condition can easily stimulate experiences of omnipotence or persecution, just think of the conspiracy theories hypothesized by a considerable amount of people, without any psychiatric diagnosis. In particular, however, people with psychotic personality organization are more likely to experience such experiences, often being these ideas at the basis of their personality structure.

Basics of psychotic personality organization

The psychopathological framework previously described has both biological and environmental causes, that is, it depends on a disturbance of brain functioning that makes it more sensitive to stressful situations , which in turn influence the same functioning, thus triggering a vicious cycle.

More precisely, in the brain there are particular chemicals, called neurotransmitters, which - in people with psychotic organization of personalities - seem to work in an altered way and cause hallucinations , delusions and thought disorders, which seem to worsen in stressful conditions.

Furthermore, scientific evidence shows that the presence of a symptomatic picture persisting over time and relapses worsens the prognosis of the diagnosis and, in the long term, the patient's quality of life.

But what happens to these patients with government restrictions and indications?

As is known, it has been asked to reduce interpersonal contacts to health professionals and therefore, advised to reduce, where possible, also psychological and psychiatric visits. But how is the urgency for these patients assessed? What is the condition that these patients may not see their appointments canceled or significantly reduced?

The intrapsychic pain of these people is not constant but is subject to fluctuation and the more it becomes unbearable the more a symptomatic picture is presented (hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorders): often the severity, and consequently the urgency, is assessed based on the presence or absence of such symptoms.


It is certain that the presence of the symptoms described above requires immediate intervention, but how much - in this specific case - intervening on urgency acts as a protective measure for COVID contagion - 19 for health workers and for the patients themselves? Often, when these people experience a sense of anguish and annihilation such as to present an aggravation of symptoms, it is impossible to respect the distance meter and the correct use of PPE, Personal Protective Equipment, precisely because of the extreme condition experienced by patients.

Furthermore, given the very nature of this organization of personality, which is constitutionally more vulnerable to stress, it is conceivable that, in this alarm period, instead of reducing psychological and psychiatric visits, these should be maintained if not increased before a worsening, being able - in less compromised situations - to respect the safety distance and protective measures.

In some cases, professionals were advised to change the setting by promoting psychological interviews and telemetric psychiatrists ; however, it is possible that the Mental Health Centers, where many patients with psychotic personality organization belong, for organizational reasons, are unable to provide the aforementioned health services immediately. Furthermore, these patients are not used to having a high level of awareness of their own discomfort and, for this reason, they tend to be little compliant with the care given to them, and probably - in some cases - also with the change in the therapeutic setting.

Read also: Post free Interview questions and answers

Finally, a final aspect that deserves attention is the total suspension, promoted by the Healthcare Companies, of the services performed by psychotherapists and psychologists, in the role of volunteers or trainees, which has resulted in a sudden interruption of the ongoing treatments and, probably, updated a trauma in patients.

Monday, May 25, 2020

How to recognize an email containing a virus

In this article we address those who have little experience and do not know how to identify dangerous emails.
Know that if you receive an unsolicited email it is likely to be spam. You have installed antivirus and all existing protection, but what should you do at this point ?
Don't open the email . If you have already opened it, try to check the sending address and if there are contacts in CC .

Verification of attachments

Then check for attachments but don't download or open them for any reason.
Do the attachments have names attributable to your work or do you not know how to identify them? The name of the file in which language is it written? Does it coincide with the nationality of the sending company? Did you wait for an attachment or wasn't it required?
If these few elements seem to coincide, just make a call to the sender and to clarify the nature of the communication. This is the most immediate way to deal with the problem.
Of course you can only do this if you know the sender, in the business context the sender could be a supplier or a customer.
Verification of the content of the email
If you want to continue with the check, try hovering over the contents with links (buttons, images, links to sites that may be clones of the originals).
Once you have hovered over the mouse, do not click but check the destination web address at the bottom left of the screen .
Is that destination web address attributable to the sites you already know? Spammers often use domains similar to the originals in order to mislead less careful users .
An example of an address similar to the original is:
Original site address :
The difference between the two addresses is significant but despite this many people do not notice it because the clone site is identical to the original.

However, there are additional systems to infect computers, for example malicious scripts inserted specifically in the html code of the email.
The ideal is to carry out the necessary checks and if there was even the slightest doubt mark the suspicious email as SPAM .

What to do in conclusion?

We remind you that all this is only part of the procedure as it does not guarantee the complete protection of the company's IT systems . To avoid risks, companies should install antivirus and firewalls with anti-spam and anti-cryptolocker systems .
If you believe you are receiving spam or suspicious communications, please contact us immediately to request an evaluation from an expert who will advise you on the best solution .

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Resolve post WordPress posting programming error

WordPress has this wonderful feature that allows you to schedule posts to be automatically published at a specific time.

This feature is a blessing for bloggers but especially travel bloggers.
When you are in a different time zone, you won't have to worry about getting up at the most absurd hours to publish your post. You can simply relax and enjoy your vacation while the WordPress scheduling function will do the job for you.

It's all right until you realize that all your editorial planning has been messed up, and none of your posts have been published when you were away.

If it has happened to you before or you are a person who regularly uses the schedule of publishing hours function, then you will have to implement this trick to avoid the missing planning error.
In this article, we will show you how to fix the WordPress non-scheduling error.

The first thing you need to do is to install and activate the WP Missed Schedule fix failed posts plugin .

The plugin is available on GitHub, you may want to see our guide on how to install WordPress plugins .

How does the WordPress Missed Schedule Plugin work?

The plug-in searches for posts that missed the scheduled time. If it finds a post that has missed its program, it will publish it correctly. To save resources on your server, do it every 5 minutes and correct 5 items for each cycle.

Some of our readers recently reported to us that the schedule scheduling feature doesn't work very well on their installation.

After further research, we found that there are also some complaints related to missing planning messages and planning errors in the WordPress Trac developer forum .
We discovered that it is actually a problem that WordPress had on the correct version 3.5 then from a patch in 3.5.1.

You are probably wondering if this problem originated on WordPress 3.5, so why does the plugin have 300,000 downloads?

Well, the plugin has been around for some time because this problem is not only present on WordPress 3.5.

It happens when the configuration of your server does not work well with the default WP Cron.

However, a group of people have been affected by this bug on WordPress 3.5 which has been corrected in version 3.5.1.

For others who have this problem, it is probably a web hosting problem and our suggestion is to switch to a more suitable WordPress hosting .

Have you been affected by this problem?

If so, then hopefully this article will solve your problem. If you are still having problems or have found another solution, please let us know for wordpress website solution.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Facebook advertising: make it effective for your business

Do you want to use Facebook advertising to attract new customers and fans? Follow these tips to optimize your campaign to the fullest!
Facebook is a very useful tool to reach a large number of people, including your potential customer. If on the one hand the platform gives us this enormous potential, on the other you must know that all that glitters is not gold.
Creating Facebook ads is a real job: it is not enough to click on the "highlight" button, but it is necessary to have adequate knowledge of the tool, know the ideal customer, analytical skills and time available.

The basics of creating Facebook ads

In order to promote your post on the social network, you must first have a company page. Using your personal profile to promote your business has a multitude of downsides, not least the fact that doing so violates Facebook's terms of use. In addition, only by having a company page on Facebook can you create paid advertisements.
I'm sure that you too, at least once have been / or tried by that "highlight" button that Facebook shows under each post, isn't it? I have news for you: that's what social wants. From there you manage to create apparently valid campaigns, which in reality are not performing at best. This means that you will spend money ineffectively. To create a valid advertisement  you must use the Facebook Business Manager tool  which allows you to create a much more targeted and profiled advertisement.

How to advertise on Facebook?

 Start from the goal

The first fundamental step is to choose the goal of your advertising: do you want to sponsor your page to have more fans? Do you want people to visit your website? Do you want to increase the installations of your app? Choosing the goal will allow Facebook to help you optimize your campaign because it will only show it to the people most interested.

Choose the target

The most difficult aspect of creating advertising on Facebook is the choice of the target, unless you have already worked very well on defining your ideal customer. In this phase you have to insert all the elements concerning him: age, sex, city, interests, etc ... You could think: "ah! the more people see it the better it is! ”. I'm sorry to tell you that Facebook ads work exactly the opposite. The narrower and niche your target is, the more results you achieve will be in line with your campaign goal.

Use engaging images

"A beautiful image is worth a thousand words"
To speak straight to the heart of your ideal client, there is nothing better than a beautiful image. Obviously, it must be a photograph you own or one of which you have full rights of use.

 Always call to action

Write clear, concise text that clearly tells the person what action to take on your advertising. Use a tone of voice consistent with your communication and with your brand. Don't forget to choose the most suitable call to action for your goal: book now, find out more, buy now, etc ...

Make sure the landing page is consistent.

If you show an article, the person who clicks on the call to action must find the page for that particular article, not the whole blog. If you sponsor your new product, the landing page must be that particular product, not the whole shop.
If you tried to create your first paid advertisement on Facebook, but you had problems and the results have not arrived, I can help you, creating the ads campaign for you. Find out all the information about my "Facebook advertising" service .

Monday, May 11, 2020

Why should a hotel have a responsive website design?

Until recently, to be present on the web and to capture potential customers online, a simple website was navigable from a desktop computer, but now with smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices that have taken hold and have now surpassed the use of PCs, this is no longer sufficient and a mobile-friendly site is needed .
A mobile friendly site is a dynamic site that adapts to be seen on mobile devices, this because its contents are automatically resized according to the screen on which they are displayed, thus maintaining readability with characters and multimedia content of adequate size.
This becomes a top priority especially for hotels and all companies that work in tourism, in fact about 60% of people who own a cell phone in Europe have a smartphone and their use is expected to grow further. So a large part of tourists decide to book and track their travels comfortably from their smartphone or if they are directly on site they can decide to book on the fly to find accommodation and move from one structure to another. A responsive site already increases your booking possibilities.

With a responsive site that adapts to multiple devices, you also have the opportunity to target a wider slice of users as well as giving the perception of being more professional than most competing sites that have not yet adapted to the change.

Even if your current desktop site is visible from mobile you will notice how navigating it is a rather difficult task: to be able to read the texts you need to zoom the page and move from one part of the screen to the other, the images are or too much large or are distorted and every time your site does not respond as it should, your potential customer, Reservations-mobile-last-minute however interested in your exasperated services, decides to abandon it in favor of that of a competitor.

But having an unresponsive site not only makes you miss a mobile booking due to poor visibility but also for the fact that you could also lose different positions on the search engine giving way to other mobile friendly sites, in fact, since April 21, 2015 Google has made an update of its search algorithms to go to favor mobile-friendly sites and penalize those that are not: you will most likely find yourself at the bottom of the results and miss a very large part of the visits.

For this reason, a mobile-friendly site is indispensable and therefore helps you improve your ranking on Google , decrease the bounce rate, i.e. visitors who leave the site and keep the visitor longer by giving them the opportunity to generate the conversion and therefore to decide to make the reservation.

In addition to all these advantages, you will have a future-proof site that will allow you to remain competitive for a long time in the constant change of the network.

So don't let your competitors overtake you, a responsive website design  is essential for your hotels.
Contact us to find the solution that best suits your needs and give your hotel the web visibility it needs to get your business off the ground.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The best Texas Jet Ski Rentals with boat slips rental

Book for best Jet Ski Rental in Texas US. Great services for all customers with free welcome and goodbye drinks. Special offers during the week.  Our customers are consistently impressed with our Jet Ski rentals and boat slips rental. Get more about information contact us and call us now (877) 766-7847.

Marina and Boat Rentals:

Book best and cheap Marina and Boat Rentals, peace and security are guaranteed and quality camping family campsites for family holidays offer thousands of fun opportunities.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Car air conditioner: clean the filter to avoid bacteria

Can the air conditioner be turned on in 2020? This is the question that many ask themselves, given that Coronavirus spreads right in the air. Opinions are conflicting, but most scientific experts say that air conditioning systems should not be dangerous, provided that they are well cleaned and sanitized.
All air conditioners, including those for cars, must be thoroughly cleaned before being turned on. In the period when they are not in operation, thousands of bacteria and harmful particles nest in pipes and ducts and especially in filters. It is therefore necessary to clean the filter of the car air conditioner thoroughly before the season.

Why must the filter always be clean?

The importance of the air conditioning filter should not be underestimated. This is the way to protect yourself from bacteria and mites present in the external environment: let's not forget that the operation of the air conditioning requires the collection of external air and its introduction into the passenger compartment. Here are 3 reasons to clean the air conditioning filter:

1.       avoids the formation of bad smells in the passenger compartment;
2.       reduces the presence of harmful bacteria and micro-particles;
3.       increases driving comfort .

The health of the driver and his passengers is therefore paramount. But be careful: alongside correct filter cleaning, careful sanitization of the passenger compartment must be associated. And therefore dashboard, mats and seats : wherever mites and bacteria can be laid.

When to clean the filter

In the winter season it rarely happens to turn on the car's air conditioning. With rising temperatures, the overwhelming heat of the passenger compartment is a danger that can also come suddenly. Just leave the car in the sun for a few hours. The mistake to avoid is turning on the air conditioning without first cleaning the outlets and filter .
After being inactive for several months, the air conditioning system needs a vigorous makeover. We therefore recommend cleaning in the spring season, to be ready for the explosion of the great summer heat.

How to sanitize it?

Especially in this emergency period linked to the spread of Covid-19, the so-called New Coronavirus, hygiene is the best weapon we have to protect ourselves. Cleaning thoroughly and sanitizing environments and surfaces therefore becomes fundamental.
With the gradual recovery of economic activities, many people will resume moving by car. And rising temperatures will require turning on the air conditioning. How to sanitize the filter?
First of all, the instructions provided by the Used Cars for Sale in Philippines and manufacturer must be scrupulously followed . Each car is in fact a world of its own, and in the instruction booklet you will find:

  1. the location of the filter
  2. instructions to clean it
  3. how to eventually disassemble or replace it.
  4. classified ads in Philippines

Generally, you just need to carefully vacuum up dust and bacteria and clean the filter with the appropriate detergents indicated. Do not forget to sanitize the vents from where the air comes out, an operation to be performed even in the winter months.

One last tip: after sanitizing, turn the air conditioning on at full power for at least 5 minutes , taking care to open the car windows. This will eliminate any dirt and detergent residues present in the pipes.

When to replace the filter?

The air conditioning filter should be replaced every 15000 km driven by the car. It is an indicative estimate and for timely information we advise you to check the instruction booklet of your car. If you frequently use the vehicle, you will need to replace the filter at least once a year .

Even if you perform a rigorous cleaning, the filter still has its own specific life cycle which runs out after a certain number of uses.

You may need a replacement even if the filter is malfunctioning: a typical alarm bell is the stench that forms in the passenger compartment every time you turn on the system. If even after a thorough cleaning the bad smell disappears, the time has come for the replacement, which however does not entail excessive costs.

Monday, April 20, 2020

How to do Digital PR from an SEO perspective

Addressing the Digital PR theme from an SEO perspective means dedicating space to one of the most important themes. Today it is crucial to work in order to optimize not only the pages and the incoming links, but also the relationships with the public. Namely the people who could help you achieve the goal.
What does it mean? Try to think about the work to be done with link building: it is increasingly difficult to work in order to reduce the risks of running into Google's shirts. The search engine suggests getting links in a natural way, and content marketing seems to be the main road.
But there are areas where spontaneous mentions become a mirage. Is there a need for human intervention? It depends on what you mean, Digital PR can be the right solution to go from link building to link earning . Without constraints or forcing, but creating relationships.

What are Digital PR: definition

The question is interesting: what are Digital PR? Simple answer: the web version of what public relations is. This branch of marketing deals with finding opportunities and developing relationships with contacts that could help you gain visibility.
Doing Digital PR can be a way forward to weave relationships with figures useful for your SEO goal. If on-page optimization concerns only your ability to highlight keywords and optimize web pages, the off-page becomes the sore point because it does not depend only on your professional work. Call other people.
Namely bloggers, journalists, influencers , webmasters and professional profiles who can insert a link on a web page. Publishing good content can be a good lever to achieve these results, but often it is not enough. Digital PR can help you get what you need. That is, relationships with individuals who could somehow help you gain benefits.

Digital PR and SEO, which relationship?

The indispensable work, at least in my point of view, of Digital PR compared to SEO is divided into two essential branches. The first concerns the ability of these activities to improve their brand. And just at one of the last web marketing events I heard this illuminating phrase:

"The best way to do SEO is to take care of your brand."

Think about inbound marketing : you need to be found by those who need you, and with a blog you can create informational content to meet your needs . Not only to those commercial that provide for a transaction, a specific action. Try to go further: why not increase branded searches, i.e. those that have your personal or company name as their subject?
Digital PR can help you cultivate the goal. And they allow you to work with the earning link. Because through the relationships you create with the actors of this path you can advise and work in order to get what you need. I'm talking about mentions, quotes and hyperlinks.

How to do Digital PR for SEO

Digital public relations appear to be the solution to global ills. Or at least everyone seems to have found the key to getting good inbound links without getting their hands dirty. It's true? In part this is so, but to have good results you have to work in order to structure a Digital PR strategy.
What does this mean? How can you get good results? Here is an example to consider to carry on your winning link earning business. Do you want to deepen? I advise you to deal with this topic with the utmost attention, now doing Digital PR is important.

Create good content

Everything starts from here, from the content marketing activity. But don't limit your vision of the topic: I'm not just talking about free ebooks and infographics. Think of useful content for a particular niche as something broad, in this range fall offline and online events.

Make outreach bloggers

This action is decisive for your Digital PR strategy because now you need to identify the individuals who are part of your plan. In other words, you have to scan the net and find out which contacts are useful for the project. In some cases we work on Instagram, in others on YouTube, but for those who do SEO it is important to discover bloggers , journalists, webmasters and other figures who could be useful.
The link profile must be at the center of this activity. You need to use tools like Semrush, Majestic and SEOzoom to find useful names to insert in the Excel file. Here you have to create columns with various parameters (quality / quantity of the links for example) to paginate the names you have identified.

Streamline the list

Did you do your research? Perfect, now start removing what is not needed. Organize the names of bloggers to define topics, quality of content already published, best SEO NYC metrics and link profile. This will help you get better results once the hyperlinks are entered.

Contact people

Now you have the right names, you must contact them by email and write what you need: who you are, what you do and what you propose. In your message you must be clear and direct, by sending the public an immediate message. But above all personalized, based on what are the needs of the case.
One of the typical errors is that of sending the same message to the selected contacts. Bloggers, webmasters, influencers, journalists: different jobs, different roles, customized solutions.
And remember to follow individuals before, during and after the insertion of the link. Without becoming hostile when the results don't come: not everyone will be willing to help you. But you cannot leave the field as soon as things go wrong: doing Digital PR means maintaining good relationships in any case, even with those who do not accept your proposal. Nobody is obliged, on the other hand.

Measure the results

Once you get the link you have to start a data analysis job. The SEO tools that I have indicated can help, to these I add Ahrefs which is designed specifically for those who work with activities related to links. Do not forget, however, to make the most of your sensitivity: maintain relationships with those who have collaborated, do not use the names you have selected only to obtain a hyperlink.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Coronavirus - safe and fast banking transactions

In the periods in which Social Distancing must be respected, some rules must also be observed when dealing with banking operations; for your protection and that of our employees.

Tip n. 1: use e-banking and mobile banking and Digital Marketing services

For your protection and that of our employees, we recommend, as far as possible, to carry out your banking transactions from home via e-banking or mobile banking: it is simple, convenient and fast. Alternatively, payment orders can also be made by letter.

Tip n. 2: we are always available by phone

Please avoid going to the branches. If you want personal advice, contact us by phone through one of our Hotlines or call directly to your personal consultant. We thank you for your understanding if the waiting times are longer.

For important and urgent cases, advice at the branch is still possible in compliance with the necessary precautionary measures. Attention is focused on short consultations, for example for formalities, copies of identity cards, signatures, etc. Call us before coming to the branch - many things can be done faster and more efficiently over the phone. Also keep in mind that branch opening hours may be reduced. Detailed information is available .

Tip n. 3: pay cashless and, if possible, contactless

To minimize the risk of contagion for you and employees in stores, it is advisable to avoid paying cash. With the Maestro card and credit card you pay cashless and for purchases up to 40 francs even contactless without having to enter your PIN in the terminal.

Pay any expense that is even higher at the Migros cashier or Migros self-scanning contactlessly with your smartphone by registering your Migros bank account in the Migros app. Further information can be found here.

Tip n. 4: avoid cash even among friends and acquaintances

Avoid cash not only in stores, but also among friends and acquaintances. As a Migros Bank customer with MobilePay P2P, simply send or request money with your smartphone.

Tip n. 5: beware of scammers!

Criminals try in various ways to exploit the current insecurity of the population. The Confederation's Reporting and Analysis Center for Information Assurance warns, for example, against e-mails with a false sender from the Federal Office of Public Health. By opening these messages you risk infecting your computer with malicious software.

We continue to wish you that all is well and to remain in excellent health and we are at your disposal for any questions.

Read also: SEO NYC

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

7 ways to increase user engagement on mobile

Improve mobile site engagement in 7 easy steps

This article is about

7 practical secrets to improve the mobile engagement of your pages and reduce the bounces on your mobile site

Mobile search continues to grow relentlessly. Kristopher Jones thought of outlining different messaging and alternative marketing strategies to improve conversion rates from mobile devices. Let's see what they consist of.

In this article:

1. Prioritize speed
2. Improve checkout
3. Resize content and images
4. Optimize texts for mobile devices
5. Call to action
6. Connect with your customers
7. Remarketing via SMS and push notifications

Reduce rebounds and increase mobile engagement

Traditionally, mobile users have always been mere observers rather than buyers. According to a study published by Monetate, in fact, conversion rates from mobile devices are less than half compared to desktop conversion rates.

This happens because, even if there is more than one opportunity for e-commerce sites to increase their online sales via mobile devices, there are some barriers that stand between the user and the site. Mobile checkout is less convenient than desktop checkout, and most mobile traffic occurs through apps rather than websites.

With the first mobile index finally on the way and the continuous increase in popularity of voice search, the time has come to optimize your mobile e-commerce strategy and improve your profits.
Let's look at some ways to increase conversion rates from mobile devices.
1. Prioritize speed

Google recently announced that mobile page loading speed will become a ranking factor starting July 2018. Page loading speed is essential for improving the user experience and lowering the bounce rate.
According to Kissmetrics, a one-second delay in page load speed could reduce the conversion rate by 7%.
DoubleClick also released a report that notes that 53% of users abandon mobile sites that take longer than three seconds to load.

The first step to improving the loading speed of mobile pages is to implement a web design optimized for mobile devices. This could include creating a separate mobile domain, setting up a responsive web design system (RWD) and progressive web application (PWA), or a Google AMP code.
But making your site responsive may not be enough. According to Kissmetrics, in fact, RWD pages still require a high time frame to load, between 6 and 18 seconds.
Here are some simple steps to reduce the loading speed of your mobile pages:

·         Enable caching.
·         Minimize JavaScript and CSS style sheets.
·         Implements accelerated mobile page code (AMP).
·         Optimize images using smaller pixels and in the .jpeg format.
·         Reduce server response times.
·         Reduce navigation and redirects: take advantage of scrolling.
·         First upload the contents above the fold (literally, in a newspaper and in this case on a site, "above the fold", ie in the highest and most visible part of the first page) and then those below the fold.
·         Eliminate pop-up ads.

·         Enable gzip compression on CSS files and Hypert Text Markup Language (HTML).
·         Be sure to regularly test the speed of your page to find out if any new content or changes have slowed down your site. The information on the loading speed of the pages offered by Google will provide you with an average page loading time, which will help you determine if further investigations are required or not.

2. Improve your checkout

One of the main reasons why people avoid making purchases via mobile devices is because the checkout process can be quite complicated. In addition to having to type in your credit card information and personal details using a public WiFi, typing the right characters and browsing can be a big problem.

One way to get around these barriers is to provide customers with the option to change the device. Technically, this will not increase the conversion rate from mobile devices, although it can convince users to buy immediately, without postponing the operation.
Another way to encourage purchases on your mobile website is to integrate reliable and secure payment services, such as PayPal.

First, you should try to limit the number of clicks needed to reach the checkout as much as possible. This is one of the most important advantages that a mobile page has to offer. The checkout page should contain payment information, general information, address and so on, all in one screen, in order to make operations quick and painless.

3. Resize the content and images

First, you should optimize your content management system (CMS) to offer specific content for mobile users.
This does not mean having to rewrite all the contents on the site from scratch, but only requires the adjustment of the meta tags and the length of the contents.

Write shorter headlines, which are more likely to draw user attention to their social news feed or search engine results pages (SERPs).

Always use clear and concise call-to-action (CTA) and employ powerful and precise words.
A good way to organize content on your website is to use modular design. Basically, modules are pieces of your website, including blog content, shopping carts and more, which can be positioned individually in different areas of a web page.

The modules are easier to manage and adjust than normal models. Many websites use the modular card-based design and, to date, the most notable among them is undoubtedly Pinterest.

4. Optimize texts for mobile devices

Do your own research on consumer behavior and habits on mobile devices. The reason? Mobile devices are much more than just a phone, a way to shop or search for information on Google; now they are part of the identity of many people and can be a real mine of useful information.

Take care of the video format and remember that over 60% of multimedia content is played via mobile devices.
Also remember to edit your text ads and adapt them to mobile devices to acquire more clicks.

Also Read: SEO Services in New York

It is very important to be convincing by using short and simple descriptions. Most people don't even scroll through the results when they search on mobile, so if the customer clicked on your site you have already gained a huge competitive advantage over others.

5. Call to action

It is essential to always include a call to action on a mobile web page. Consider expanding the size of specific buttons to make them more visible to your customers.

It is equally important to provide feedback and visual cues after each completed action on your website. Mobile users may think that your website or their smartphone is not working properly if you don't provide an immediate response to a click or an action.

Consider providing a micro-interactions system (a visual response that the user views after performing certain actions) to improve his mobile experience; however, don't let micro-interactions affect the loading speed of the pages.

6. Connect with your customers

According to research conducted by Deloitte, digital interactions affect 56 cents of each dollar spent in physical stores and an incredible number of Americans (about 93% of the total) use their smartphone while shopping.

This is a great reason to connect with your customers when they are in your physical store. This digital service could include setting up the QR (quick-search) codes that can be scanned for products, offering customers the possibility to calculate savings in real time, or you could advertise some promotional items. It is an excellent opportunity to advertise your brand in the eyes of customers.

7. Remarketing via SMS and push notifications

Finally, another good idea is to use the functionality of mobile devices to remarketing to customers via push notifications and SMS (Short Message Service) messages.

Use push notifications to advertise fixed-term promotions. You can also use this service to send announcements to people when they are in the vicinity of your business, using the geographic location monitoring system.

To increase your chances of getting leads, you need to take advantage of the client's urgency and fear of losing a particular item. To do this, you can use the notification system integrated into the site. This could include time-limited promotions, or notifications stating that that particular item is due to end within a few days.


Research to improve mobile conversion rates continues to progress at a brisk pace. Unfortunately, both mobile search and PPC advertising services  are rather limited by the nature of the devices themselves. This means that it is necessary to optimize mobile sites using the indications just provided. Using new marketing strategies and streamlining descriptive texts and checkout are some of the fundamental methods to improve conversion rates.