Tuesday, March 17, 2020

7 ways to increase user engagement on mobile

Improve mobile site engagement in 7 easy steps

This article is about

7 practical secrets to improve the mobile engagement of your pages and reduce the bounces on your mobile site

Mobile search continues to grow relentlessly. Kristopher Jones thought of outlining different messaging and alternative marketing strategies to improve conversion rates from mobile devices. Let's see what they consist of.

In this article:

1. Prioritize speed
2. Improve checkout
3. Resize content and images
4. Optimize texts for mobile devices
5. Call to action
6. Connect with your customers
7. Remarketing via SMS and push notifications

Reduce rebounds and increase mobile engagement

Traditionally, mobile users have always been mere observers rather than buyers. According to a study published by Monetate, in fact, conversion rates from mobile devices are less than half compared to desktop conversion rates.

This happens because, even if there is more than one opportunity for e-commerce sites to increase their online sales via mobile devices, there are some barriers that stand between the user and the site. Mobile checkout is less convenient than desktop checkout, and most mobile traffic occurs through apps rather than websites.

With the first mobile index finally on the way and the continuous increase in popularity of voice search, the time has come to optimize your mobile e-commerce strategy and improve your profits.
Let's look at some ways to increase conversion rates from mobile devices.
1. Prioritize speed

Google recently announced that mobile page loading speed will become a ranking factor starting July 2018. Page loading speed is essential for improving the user experience and lowering the bounce rate.
According to Kissmetrics, a one-second delay in page load speed could reduce the conversion rate by 7%.
DoubleClick also released a report that notes that 53% of users abandon mobile sites that take longer than three seconds to load.

The first step to improving the loading speed of mobile pages is to implement a web design optimized for mobile devices. This could include creating a separate mobile domain, setting up a responsive web design system (RWD) and progressive web application (PWA), or a Google AMP code.
But making your site responsive may not be enough. According to Kissmetrics, in fact, RWD pages still require a high time frame to load, between 6 and 18 seconds.
Here are some simple steps to reduce the loading speed of your mobile pages:

·         Enable caching.
·         Minimize JavaScript and CSS style sheets.
·         Implements accelerated mobile page code (AMP).
·         Optimize images using smaller pixels and in the .jpeg format.
·         Reduce server response times.
·         Reduce navigation and redirects: take advantage of scrolling.
·         First upload the contents above the fold (literally, in a newspaper and in this case on a site, "above the fold", ie in the highest and most visible part of the first page) and then those below the fold.
·         Eliminate pop-up ads.

·         Enable gzip compression on CSS files and Hypert Text Markup Language (HTML).
·         Be sure to regularly test the speed of your page to find out if any new content or changes have slowed down your site. The information on the loading speed of the pages offered by Google will provide you with an average page loading time, which will help you determine if further investigations are required or not.

2. Improve your checkout

One of the main reasons why people avoid making purchases via mobile devices is because the checkout process can be quite complicated. In addition to having to type in your credit card information and personal details using a public WiFi, typing the right characters and browsing can be a big problem.

One way to get around these barriers is to provide customers with the option to change the device. Technically, this will not increase the conversion rate from mobile devices, although it can convince users to buy immediately, without postponing the operation.
Another way to encourage purchases on your mobile website is to integrate reliable and secure payment services, such as PayPal.

First, you should try to limit the number of clicks needed to reach the checkout as much as possible. This is one of the most important advantages that a mobile page has to offer. The checkout page should contain payment information, general information, address and so on, all in one screen, in order to make operations quick and painless.

3. Resize the content and images

First, you should optimize your content management system (CMS) to offer specific content for mobile users.
This does not mean having to rewrite all the contents on the site from scratch, but only requires the adjustment of the meta tags and the length of the contents.

Write shorter headlines, which are more likely to draw user attention to their social news feed or search engine results pages (SERPs).

Always use clear and concise call-to-action (CTA) and employ powerful and precise words.
A good way to organize content on your website is to use modular design. Basically, modules are pieces of your website, including blog content, shopping carts and more, which can be positioned individually in different areas of a web page.

The modules are easier to manage and adjust than normal models. Many websites use the modular card-based design and, to date, the most notable among them is undoubtedly Pinterest.

4. Optimize texts for mobile devices

Do your own research on consumer behavior and habits on mobile devices. The reason? Mobile devices are much more than just a phone, a way to shop or search for information on Google; now they are part of the identity of many people and can be a real mine of useful information.

Take care of the video format and remember that over 60% of multimedia content is played via mobile devices.
Also remember to edit your text ads and adapt them to mobile devices to acquire more clicks.

Also Read: SEO Services in New York

It is very important to be convincing by using short and simple descriptions. Most people don't even scroll through the results when they search on mobile, so if the customer clicked on your site you have already gained a huge competitive advantage over others.

5. Call to action

It is essential to always include a call to action on a mobile web page. Consider expanding the size of specific buttons to make them more visible to your customers.

It is equally important to provide feedback and visual cues after each completed action on your website. Mobile users may think that your website or their smartphone is not working properly if you don't provide an immediate response to a click or an action.

Consider providing a micro-interactions system (a visual response that the user views after performing certain actions) to improve his mobile experience; however, don't let micro-interactions affect the loading speed of the pages.

6. Connect with your customers

According to research conducted by Deloitte, digital interactions affect 56 cents of each dollar spent in physical stores and an incredible number of Americans (about 93% of the total) use their smartphone while shopping.

This is a great reason to connect with your customers when they are in your physical store. This digital service could include setting up the QR (quick-search) codes that can be scanned for products, offering customers the possibility to calculate savings in real time, or you could advertise some promotional items. It is an excellent opportunity to advertise your brand in the eyes of customers.

7. Remarketing via SMS and push notifications

Finally, another good idea is to use the functionality of mobile devices to remarketing to customers via push notifications and SMS (Short Message Service) messages.

Use push notifications to advertise fixed-term promotions. You can also use this service to send announcements to people when they are in the vicinity of your business, using the geographic location monitoring system.

To increase your chances of getting leads, you need to take advantage of the client's urgency and fear of losing a particular item. To do this, you can use the notification system integrated into the site. This could include time-limited promotions, or notifications stating that that particular item is due to end within a few days.


Research to improve mobile conversion rates continues to progress at a brisk pace. Unfortunately, both mobile search and PPC advertising services  are rather limited by the nature of the devices themselves. This means that it is necessary to optimize mobile sites using the indications just provided. Using new marketing strategies and streamlining descriptive texts and checkout are some of the fundamental methods to improve conversion rates.

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