Monday, June 22, 2020

Anchor text, what importance do they have for SEO?

The anchor texts are crucial in SEO offsite. In themselves, they are tools that generally allow you to deepen a text, an article, and so on: at least, this should be the case.
In practice, then it is often the result of suspicious link exchanges, even with little or no relevance to the words or context where they are linked. These techniques are generally used to manipulate the Google SERP and to try to position themselves, but now Google has noticed the dirty game: in fact, the controls are much more thorough to avoid being manipulated.
So if the number of contents to and from a certain site is certainly important in defining its authority on the web and therefore its ranking, and still is, to avoid penalties it is good to learn how to use anchor text in a 'clean' way and hyperlinks.

Use anchor text for SEO in a reasoned way

But first, a short definition: anchors, known in jargon as anchor text, are descriptive texts that accompany the definition with a link.

A practical example: if you try to optimize a site with the keyword “New York SEO", you will try to link to the anchor text in question other pages deemed reliable that deal with that same topic or, better, that deepen it. This technique is excellent for site optimization but if you overdo it, you run the risk of being penalized because it can consist of incorrect SEO behaviors, to position yourself in an unworthy way.

Here, therefore, that link building must be done in a reasoned and natural way (in this regard, I highly recommend you read this article ), first preparing an action plan and only after opting for the various anchor text to which to connect the link to the desired page. .

Counting then that the purpose of the anchor text is to allow the user to understand what type of content he / she will access by clicking on it, it would be better to avoid completely random anchor text (how to connect an article on wellness to the anchor text “New York SEO" during pregnancy, for example). The anchor text, in essence, must be used in a reasoned way to prevent Google from classifying you as a spammer and consequently you incur some penalties, from which to go back is really very difficult, and that would lead to wasting a lot of time and a lot of work.

How to choose anchor text

The anchor text in SEO are therefore important tools to allow you to set a correct link building strategy that can lead to a better optimization of the website. However, we must try to avoid penalties, which come as soon as the anchor text was not at all natural.

The links must be natural, or rather; Google must believe that they really are, in order not to be penalized.

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