Thursday, May 28, 2020

Covid-19: behavioral vademecum addressed to healthcare personnel for the management of patient communications

The recent health emergency is severely testing health workers. What guidelines to follow to manage communications?

A behavioral vademecum addressed to Healthcare Continuity (CA) and Special Care Continuity Units (USCA), for the management of communications with patients and their families, in the context of the COVID-19 emergency.

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is putting a strain on not only hospital staff but also on the territory, due to both the increase in flows of calls and requests for intervention, and the related psycho-social aspects: isolation, anxiety, fear , panic, mourning .
The purpose of this dossier is to provide healthcare personnel of the Continuity of Care and of the Special Units of Continuity of Care for indications to improve the management of communication and relational aspects, which are particularly crucial in this historical phase of the National Health System.

The contexts considered are typical of the CA activity: telephone evaluation, home visit and outpatient visit. The behaviors indicated are aimed at improving the interaction of the healthcare professional with the patient and family members.

The expected benefits for the patient and family members are: improved understanding of the indications and information received; reduction of anxiety and other dysfunctional psychological aspects; improvement of functional behavior for correct disease management. The resulting benefits for the healthcare professional are: improved efficacy in the management of clinical problems; increase in self-confidence; reduction of psycho-physical stress related work.

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