Monday, May 11, 2020

Why should a hotel have a responsive website design?

Until recently, to be present on the web and to capture potential customers online, a simple website was navigable from a desktop computer, but now with smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices that have taken hold and have now surpassed the use of PCs, this is no longer sufficient and a mobile-friendly site is needed .
A mobile friendly site is a dynamic site that adapts to be seen on mobile devices, this because its contents are automatically resized according to the screen on which they are displayed, thus maintaining readability with characters and multimedia content of adequate size.
This becomes a top priority especially for hotels and all companies that work in tourism, in fact about 60% of people who own a cell phone in Europe have a smartphone and their use is expected to grow further. So a large part of tourists decide to book and track their travels comfortably from their smartphone or if they are directly on site they can decide to book on the fly to find accommodation and move from one structure to another. A responsive site already increases your booking possibilities.

With a responsive site that adapts to multiple devices, you also have the opportunity to target a wider slice of users as well as giving the perception of being more professional than most competing sites that have not yet adapted to the change.

Even if your current desktop site is visible from mobile you will notice how navigating it is a rather difficult task: to be able to read the texts you need to zoom the page and move from one part of the screen to the other, the images are or too much large or are distorted and every time your site does not respond as it should, your potential customer, Reservations-mobile-last-minute however interested in your exasperated services, decides to abandon it in favor of that of a competitor.

But having an unresponsive site not only makes you miss a mobile booking due to poor visibility but also for the fact that you could also lose different positions on the search engine giving way to other mobile friendly sites, in fact, since April 21, 2015 Google has made an update of its search algorithms to go to favor mobile-friendly sites and penalize those that are not: you will most likely find yourself at the bottom of the results and miss a very large part of the visits.

For this reason, a mobile-friendly site is indispensable and therefore helps you improve your ranking on Google , decrease the bounce rate, i.e. visitors who leave the site and keep the visitor longer by giving them the opportunity to generate the conversion and therefore to decide to make the reservation.

In addition to all these advantages, you will have a future-proof site that will allow you to remain competitive for a long time in the constant change of the network.

So don't let your competitors overtake you, a responsive website design  is essential for your hotels.
Contact us to find the solution that best suits your needs and give your hotel the web visibility it needs to get your business off the ground.

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